
The Path to Better Engagement


The Path to Better Engagement

It can be intimidating to think about adjusting your entire email marketing strategy, so when you’re ready to overhaul your engagement tactics, we’ve broken it down into easy take action steps you can follow, starting with the beginning of your email program.


Why should a consumer do business with you?

This is your opportunity to build a personal connection. Allow your customers to see the love and passion within your brand.

What is a contributing reason why a lot of people join email lists?

Subscribers love a discount code, exclusive sale, or unique offer.

Transactional emails have some of the highest open rates.

They provide an opportunity for you to wow your subscribers without needing much additional time or money.

Action #1: The Welcome Journey

The welcome journey might be the most important part of your email marketing strategy. It sets the tone for your entire relationship with your new subscribers. And as most of us know: First impressions matter.

If you want to see your best engagement metrics—not to mention better engagement in the future—optimize your welcome journey.

Turn Your Welcome Email into a Welcome Journey

Instead of simply sending one email to say hello, design an entire welcome journey. Introduce your brand, remind subscribers when and where they signed up, and explain what they can expect now that they’re on your email list.

But a welcome series also allows you to explain your company’s mission statement, privacy policy (not to mention return policies or anything else that might be relevant to your industry), your best sellers or best performers, and answer any questions or solve any pain points you frequently see from first-time buyers.

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Action #2: Tell Your Story

core values business

You should also take this opportunity to tell your brand’s story. Who is your founder? What inspired the company’s birth? What are your stances on social issues?

Why should a consumer do business with you and not your competitors? This is your opportunity to build a personal connection and allow your subscribers and customers to see the human heart within your brand.

Share Your Mission and Connect on a Human Level

If your initial response to these initiatives is doubt, believe us: These days, consumers are more socially conscious than ever before. They want to do business with the companies who share their beliefs and making a positive impact in their community.

You might lose customers who disagree with your views, but the ones you gain will be more loyal and ultimately have a greater value to your brand down the line. Brands that share their values and their story well are the ones that cultivate lifelong brand advocates.

Action #3: Offer Incentives

A recurring theme in this data is how much subscribers love a discount code, exclusive sale, or unique offer. In fact, that’s a contributing reason why a lot of people join email lists in the first place.

Encourage First-Time Conversations

And people are far more likely to overcome their hesitations and pull the trigger for that first purchase if they’re getting a deal. Consider offering special sales or a sneak peek of a service or product you know will appeal to your subscribers. After all, you want to keep them on your list and opening your emails. What better way than to build a reputation for sneaking in sales and discounts to your subscribers?

You’ll earn the reputation for sending high-quality content and treating all your subscribers like VIPs, encouraging lifetime loyalty.

Action #4: Revamp Your Transactional Emails

Transactional emails have some of the highest open rates among email marketing messages. And yet, they rarely contain any additional information beyond automatic notifications.

Your transactional emails provide an opportunity for you to wow your subscribers and outstrip your competition without needing much additional time or money.

Follow Up and Increase the Lifetime Value of Customers

When you let your customers know their package is on the way or their reservation is scheduled, add content that answers frequently asked questions or builds anticipation by including customer reviews of the same product or service. Maybe there’s a chance for you to begin upselling here (though be wary not to come off as greedy).


Even if you don’t have reviews or pain points you could address, consider adding fun content like a playlist curated by your brand for something to do while customers wait for the arrival of their purchase or the day of the event.


For example, a playlist helps pass the time, but it also reiterates your branding and can echo the values and attitude of your brand. Playlists associate your brand with the emotions evoked by the music and remind your customers of the human side of your business.

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